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* Explore, evaluate, measure and factor all your options to make and hold the best goals and result..

* Plan and choreograph the shortest action path for you.

* Learn new skills and teach others new, different behaviors to get what you want.

* Timing action accurately makes or breaks success

* A good therapist lends you her eyes and ears so you can better focus  and listen to yourself and others

* Business * Professional * Personal * Healthcare 

decisions for self and loved ones*

Dr. Sorensen has worked with hundreds of jindividuls all over the country in 30 years of practice. Her skills and experience in occupational therapy are especially suited to evaluate, examine and construct uniquely individual approaches to and personal change.

She will help you to identify and define ambitions and goals, find information to make the decisions that are best for you or your patients , plan the steps and timing of actions for the best and shortest path to goals. She will point out and help you the learn the behaviors needed to change

Dr. Sorensen started working with clients and supervising therapists near and far by phone in 1974. It is flexible and convenient in today's busy world. Appointments are scheduled a few days out giving a client time to write and send concerns and ideas to be covered in session.

Sessions cost $50 per half hour. The client includes a check with the written note. Appointments are scheduled in advance by calling: 212-744-5836.

Work with Dr. Sorensen to learn how to make the best possible decisions!

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